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customer journey


Insight Communities Explained | A Market Researcher's Guide

Discover the power of customer insight communities for market research. Learn how insight community platforms provide actionable customer insights, en...

My Take


Use Cases for Online Focus Groups in Insight Communities

Market researchers are increasingly relying on technology to help collect customer feedback. As research grows to be more digitized and now that custo...

My Take


Customer Journey Mapping in Insight Communities

Customer journey mapping is a great way to become familiar with the customer experience. Understand what your customers want to achieve in different s...

Liza Armstrong


2021 Market Research Technology Trends

What will the biggest trends in market research be in 2021? Here is a list of trends that are expected to shape the industry going forward.

Liza Armstrong


Understanding CXM and Insight Communities

What is CXM? In this article we discuss customer experience management and dive into its new emerging role in insight communities.

My Take


Understanding Market Research Panels and Insight Communities

For many years the terms panel and online insight community have long been confused. Learn descriptions for each and common applications.

My Take


COVID-19: Qualitative Market Research Tools

Market Research during COVID-19: How to Continue Qualitative Research By: My-Take, Leading-Edge Market Research Online Communities

Kait Hanerfeld


What is a Market Research Online Community? [Guide]

Market research online communities are used to secure actionable insights from VoC feedback and ideas in order to enhance customer experience. (CX)

Kait Hanerfeld


Market Research Online Community Use Cases [Guide]

Market research online communities (MROC) have a wide variety of uses. In this post, we walk through 17 different ways you can use your online insight...

Kait Hanerfeld


What is an Insight Community?

An insight community is generally made up of a targeted group of stakeholders, usually customers, who are recruited into a private online environment...

My Take