This week Boston was taken over by the world of marketing with FutureM.
Over 1 million people logged into YouTube to see the Red Bull Stratos mission launch on October 9th.
Apple's new CEO Tim Cook did an excellent job with his public apology, as described in the Fast Company artcile
Great article from VentureBeat on how Yelp gouges small business.
In a New York Times blog post Nick Bilton laments that his romance with the iPhone application - Siri has grown sour.
We all know the value that companies assign to keeping customers happy. My experience has shown that most companies will bend over backwards...
Encyclopaedia Britannica announced that this year would be the last year of their printed encyclopedias.
The Girls Scouts are celebrating 100 years of service this year. And guess what, they still run the cookie drive like 100 year ago.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what is a video worth? I would have to guess, a lot.
A recent NYT's article indicated that by the end of January, 36% of folks that make a New Year's resolution will have already lost their battle.