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Things To Ponder


Can a 1-Star Customer Review Really Impact Sales?

Having an e-commerce site is a necessity and can contribute to the brand image, provide another channel of revenue, and add convenience for the custom...

Kelsey Regan


at&t and me

I had been a long time AT&T mobile customer, but had experienced a fairly high rate of dropped calls when using my mobile phone in my home.

Todd Hoskins


Apple Gets it Right with an Apology, But How About the Decision to Launch?

Apple's new CEO Tim Cook did an excellent job with his public apology, as described in the Fast Company artcile

Todd Hoskins


Are Your Employees Costing You Business

We all know the value that companies assign to keeping customers happy. My experience has shown that most companies will bend over backwards...

Rich Armstrong


Will Your Business Go the Way of the Printed Encyclopedia?

Encyclopaedia Britannica announced that this year would be the last year of their printed encyclopedias.

Todd Hoskins


Girl Scout Cookies

The Girls Scouts are celebrating 100 years of service this year. And guess what, they still run the cookie drive like 100 year ago.

Rich Armstrong


Oops We Didn't Realize You Were Our Customer

A recent study by Parks Associates asked 2,000 consumers ages 18+ about their buying habits within the consumer tech space. You may be surprised by t...

Todd Hoskins


Justice Usually Prevails in a Community Environment

Brands are sometimes a little nervous watching tough discussions play out in an online community environment, even when it is private.

Todd Hoskins


Listening regularly to the bad and the good

In some large organizations, marketers and executives don't interact with consumers unless a specific complaint or issue happens to rise up through th...

Todd Hoskins


Beyond the Faster Horse

Will listening to consumers contribute to exceptional new products? Most executives and marketing professionals would answer yes.

Todd Hoskins